About Antosia
We would like to introduce you to Antosia, a daughter of one of our coworkers, which has been born with a rare congenital defects. She has no fibulas, her tibias are shorter and curved towards the front, even her feet are not fully developed. Those defects inhibit Anotsia from walking independently in the future.

We would like to introduce you to Antosia, a daughter of one of our coworkers, which has been born with a rare congenital defects. She has no fibulas, her tibias are shorter and curved towards the front, even her feet are not fully developed. Those defects inhibit Anotsia from walking independently in the future.
There is one hope for Antosia to walk on her own feet but it requires 1 million PLN for an operation in USA. If we can not gather this amount an amputation will be necessary.
Below you will find link to Antosias webpage where you can find out more about how to help her. In this action to save her feet joined: Martyna Wojciechowska, Hardcorowy Koksu, Kabaret Łowcy.B and Cezik.